Cruz™ Mobility

Full end-to-end autonomous solutions

Built for large facilities, Cruz autonomous pods help you leverage the potential of robotics to streamline operations and enrich guest experiences.

A&K’s integrated fleet services offer unmatched flexibility, visibility and reliability, to allow your guests to sit back and enjoy the best of what your venue has to offer.

Sensing & Safety

Cruz™ pods are equipped with 360° and 3-dimensional sensing systems. We combine environmental information gathered from cameras, sonars, LiDARs and more, to realize exponential synergies that make our system truly intelligent while maintaining safety. Our AI then adapts the pod’s navigation based on crowd behavior and is constantly adjusting its speed and path for a smooth ride.

Mapping & Wayfinding

CruzMapping™ is our integrated real-time mapping software that enables your passengers to accurately and intuitively understand where they are within your airport at all times. Map updates can be done in seconds, so whether your guest is finding a gate, a restaurant or another amenity, they will get there reliably, stress-free and on time.

Fleet Management

Think of the autonomous Cruz™ mobility pods as personal chauffeurs, carrying and catering to your guests. CruzFleet™ is our cloud-connected fleet management software that allows your staff to coordinate these teams of chauffeurs. It visually displays where your pods are and allows staff to dispatch the pods as needed to any location within your facility.

Scalability & Serviceability

Cruz™ pods are purpose built for use at scale in airports. Quality, reliability, and serviceability are cornerstones in all our design decisions. Once deployed, we use automated diagnosing tools to proactively identify issues before they happen and preemptively send service technicians on-site.

Airport Operations

Airports are efficient but sometimes can be hectic. Our CruzRemote software enables remote monitoring of the pods to minimize downtime and ensure seamless integration into airport operations. It allows over-the-air updates, so the latest in comfort, passenger experience and safety can reach your guests with the push of a button, while providing meaningful insights into passenger flow.